Welcome to the video library

To help as many people as I can, I make research-informed, practical support education accessible online. My library of free, short, bite-sized videos allows those affected by suicide or caring for children affected by suicide to access practical tools and information.

Some of the ideas shored will resonate with you more than others, and that’s okay.

If you like what you see here, remember to follow me on LinkedIn or Facebook (links are at the bottom of this page) and/or to sign up to my newsletter, to make sure you don’t miss any new videos.

As you’ll see, the videos are categorised under three headings: your grief, life now, and supporting children.

Your grief

Grief brain is real!

Understanding different grief styles

Grief needs to be acknowledged

Grief is exhausting.

Grief is NOT about being strong

Masking your grief

Recommended grief books

Life now

Grief changes relationships

“Don’t make any big decisions in the first year”, unless….

When someone dies, it changes you

What you find helpful may change

Supporting children

Rethinking care and support for children

Reassure, reassure, reassure

What has changed and what hasn’t changed and will never change

Children grieve very differently to adults

Ask rather than assume

Navigating the Christmas period

Navigating the Christmas period

Looking after yourself in the build-up to Christmas

Finding ways to include and honour your loved one on Christmas Day

Remaining flexible

“Will this help me or hinder me?”

You may feel unable to do Christmas this year